Synthetic Data for Data Monetization

Unlocking revenue potential by leveraging synthetic data for privacy-compliant insights

Introduction to data monetization

Synthetic data introduces a transformative solution addressing critical concerns such as data sharing, data privacy, alignment, and data quality. Unlike traditional methods like data anonymization, synthetic data offers a faster and more aligned approach, granting access and sharing the entire dataset. By creating a secure synthetic data marketplace, companies allow to preview the data and drive industry cooperation, giving the foundation for more effective and ethical data monetization strategies. Check the article about the ROI of Synthetic data.

Data monetization challenges

Data privacy and compliance
  1. Assure data correspondence with GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA regulations
  2. Implement a robust data marketplace solution with high-security standards
Data quality and integrity
  1. Data anonymization does not always lead to anonymized data and decreases data quality.
  2.  Ensuring data accuracy and reliability 
Data governance
  1. It is complex to manage data availability, integrity, and usability
  2. Lack of data ownership due to complex enterprise architecture  

Our solution: AI-Generated synthetic data

Syntho - AI Generated Synthetic Data

What makes Syntho's approach unique?

Assess generated synthetic data on accuracy, privacy, and speed

Syntho’s quality assurance report assesses generated synthetic data and demonstrates the accuracy, privacy, and speed of the synthetic data compared to the original data.

Our synthetic data is assessed and approved by the data experts of SAS

Synthetic data generated by Syntho is assessed, validated and approved from an external and objective point of view by the data experts of SAS.

Synthesize time-series data accurately with Syntho

Time series data is a datatype characterized by a sequence of events, observations and/or measurements collected and ordered with date-time intervals, typically representing changes in a variable over time, and is supported by Syntho.

Do you have any questions?

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Synthetic data opportunities

Secure synthetic data marketplace 

Data catalog with synthetic sample data

Unlock new revenue streams 


Build your strong data foundation with AI-generated synthetic data

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