Introducing the PII column scannerLeverage our AI-powered PII scanner to automatically detect columns and instances in your database containing direct identifiers, such as Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Protected Health Information (PHI). Once columns containing PII are recognized, our platform facilitates de-identification methods such as deletion, substitution with mock data, or synthesis, fortifying database privacy.
How can I use the PII scanner?One can easily configure the PII Scanner via our user interface via the “PII” tab. This feature has two scan options: Shallow scan (only metadata, including column names). Deep scan (metadata + and the data itself). All columns that are identified as PII are shown in the list of PII entities on the PII tab and are labeled PII on the column header on the Job Settings tab.
Apply mockers on PII automaticallyNext to the automatic identification of PII, our platform also automatically suggests the correct mocker for each PII entity, saving time and effort for the user. By using this feature, users can ensure that the sensitive original PII is protected and is replaced by representative mock data with preserved referential integrity for multi-table databases via our consistent mapping functionality.
Run the PII text scannerUtilize the PII Text Scanner to perform an in-depth analysis of your data, detecting any personally identifiable information (PII) present within fields containing free text. Use our Synthetic Mock Data techniques to replace PII with mockers.