Webinar: AI generated test data
Synthetic Data Twin webinar series: how to turn privacy by design into a competitive advantage with synthetic data twins
Synthetic Data Twin webinar series: how to turn privacy by design into a competitive advantage with synthetic data twins
The Syntho Engine is very scalable. Synthesizing goes fast and works the same for every type of dataset. Basically, there is no limit to the…
AI-generated synthetic data is a new solution to quickly and easily get access to high quality data. This webinar aims to answer frequently asked questions about synthetic data generation and its implementation. However, not from the point of view of the generator of synthetic data (Syntho), but from the point of view of SAS, market leader in analytics. Analytics experts from SAS evaluated generated synthetic datasets from Syntho via various analytics (AI) assessments and would like to share the outcomes with you.
Use AI generated synthetic data as demo data to astonish your prospects and clients with next-level product demos